More than 80 people attended yesterday’s meeting near the Silver Cloud Inn at  2122 152nd Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052 regarding King County’s purchase and purpose of turning it into a Redmond homeless hotel. Many gave emotional speeches. Community were completely left in the dark of the transaction. People’s livelihood and security would be adversely affected. According to King county’s website, drug and alcohol use are permitted, no paid security on-site, inevitable magnet effect of drug dealings. Redmond city Council member Steve Fields, and King County Council member Kathy Lambert listened to people’s concerns.

People reached consensus that the lack of transparency in the process for opening this site is unacceptable. Most don’t oppose helping homeless people, but community also needs a vote in the how. Next step is to focus on exposing this and let the bigger Bellevue/Redmond community know, to stop not just this one, but future sneaky projects like this from happening in other areas of east side. People need to unit together and make the voices loud and clear in order to save our community. Thanks to everyone who already donated to this cause and made our ads buying possible. Starting this week, digital ad campaign will be showing up at sites like Redmond Reporter and Bellevue Reporter. The following are our ad previews.


Please show up and speak at Redmond City Council meetings, next meeting is on 8/17, we need at least 100 people show up next Tuesday. We have ordered signs. Please click, sign up and be there !
Redmond City Council meets for business meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. The alternate Tuesdays are Council Study Sessions.  Starting January 1, 2021, all meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and are held in the Redmond City Hall Council Chambers (15670 NE 85th Street, Redmond, WA), unless otherwise noticed. Each can speak to the council uninterrupted for 2 minutes.
Please show up and speak at King County Council meetings, next meeting is on 8/24.
On the fourth Tuesday of each month, the council allows general public comment on matters relating to county government. The phone number to join the council meeting is 1-253-215-8782, Meeting ID is 962 6422 1442 and the Password is 114799.

The only way to make a difference is to get connected with more and more concerned residents like you, if you are reading this email forwarded from others, please join us directly by registering at  . We are planning on a big rally very soon, so we are counting on how many people we are able to sign up during a short period of time. Please forward this email around, reach out to your friends and families in the eastside and get them sign up to our mailing list. We also have a chat group on telegram , please feel free to join.

In the meantime, we are still raising money for yard signs, window stickers, T-shirts and more ad purchases, donations are accepted at .

Who is the most to blame for having a hotel permitting drug and/or alcohol use in City of Redmond?

1 Comment

RB · August 15, 2021 at 4:28 pm

Transparency by the County? This is clearly and end around the vote for “safe injections” sites that the voters that Bellevue REJECTED. The county knows this. So putting a “supervised injection” site on the border of Bellevue is unacceptable on the part of King County knowing full well the city’s residents position on this. .

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