Raise our concerns about the Redmond homeless hotel directly to Redmond city council members. Pack the room. Show up on 9/21.

Despite more than 150 people showed up and a few dozens spoke against the homeless hotel siting on Tuesday August 17th, the under the influence of planning director, Carol Helland, Redmond city council unanimously passed Ordinance 3059 ( https://redmond.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=9714814&GUID=936D3D1D-D972-441F-B302-08DEB14344A1 ) , and paved way for this and future homeless hotels and shelters to move into Redmond. Ordinance 3059 took effect on August 28th, which effectively prevented voters from running a referendum against it. 

Ever since the news about the Redmond homeless hotel broke out, City of Redmond has not made any attempt to hold a meeting and communicate with the community. Tuesday, September 21st, is Redmond City Council meeting. Please show up, pack the room and give public comment. Meeting starts at 7:00pm. We’ll gather outside at 6:30pm with signs.

Flyers : https://safeeastside.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/9.16b-Silver-Cloud.pdf

Meeting Time: Tuesday, September 21st, 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Location: Redmond City Hall Council Chambers, 15670 Northeast 85th Street, Redmond, WA 98052

To Register, Click https://www.eventbrite.com/e/keep-up-the-pressure-tuesday-september-21st-speak-up-at-redmond-city-hall-tickets-174048211887

Who is the most to blame for having a hotel permitting drug and/or alcohol use in City of Redmond?